TypeItIn silent installer with command line options

There is an installer available for each version of Typeitin that supports several command line options.

Available command line options:

  • TARGET=FOLDER Set folder for data, variable, and backup files*
  • GROUPMON=ON/OFF Turn group sharing monitor on/off*
  • GROUPDIR=FOLDER Set group sharing monitor folder*
  • STAT=ON/OFF Turn statistics on/off*
  • STATDIR=FOLDER Set folder where statistics are saved*
  • NAME=LICENSE_NAME Set license name
  • CODE=LICENSE_CODE Set license code
  • VERF=LICENSE_VERIFICATION Set license verification
  • /LOG=FILE Create installer log file
  • /VERYSILENT Run installer without user intervention

* These features are only available in the Network and Enterprise versions of Typeitin.

To install Typeitin Network with no user interaction and enter the license information:
TypeItInNetwork35cs "name=John Smith" "code=eKHZi9aTRG4U" "verf=ZgrZpaKKRyBnM" /verysilent

To install Typeitin Enterprise and specify where the data files are saved:
TypeItInEnterprise35cs TARGET=%USERPROFILE%\Documents\TypeItIn\

Depending on the installation environment you may have to escape the % character with a single or multiple ‘ or ” characters.

Custom installers with other pre-configured settings or default buttons are also available. For more information, please email support@wavget.com.

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